Premium lines from Russian clothing retailers

Expanding the offer by entering a more expensive segment is a separate direction among all growth strategies of companies that are used in the Russian fashion market during the period of its transformation in 2022-24.

Entering the premium segment for an already established brand can occur in 4 ways:

  • Launch of a premium line within the main collection. The trend started with Love Republic and was supported by Lime, Finn Flare, O’stin and others. Such a special line of premium fabrics is usually 30-50% more expensive than the main collection.
  • Systematic repositioning of the brand into a more expensive segment: for example, 12storeez, Ushatava.
  • Launch of a limited special collection or collaboration with a designer. For example, Baon launched a limited-edition collection of premium knitwear,; vibrant collaborations with designers and artists are regularly offered in the Befree and Zarina collections.
  • Launch of a new brand, with positioning in a more expensive segment — medium plus or premium. A striking example is IDOL in the Melon Fashion Group brand pool, or, for example, GLVR in the Gulliver company. This is the most resource-intensive, but at the same time the most scalable path.
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