Increase effectiveness of wholesale sales

The seminar is aimed at owners and managers of trading or manufacturing companies, top managers of wholesale distribution departments as well as marketers and trademark holders

The seminars are to be purchased in full bundele. You can also purchase blitz consulting, it's paid expert consulting for the participants of training, covering the issues explored (the number of seats is limited).
You can check the upcoming training dates with your manager
5 days
Every day: 10:00 - 11:30 Format: online, live broadcast, Moscow time
Certificate Fashion
Consulting Group (in electronic form)


Seminar 1
  • Wholesale distribution;
  • Wholesale distribution practices, pricing in wholesale distribution;
  • Effectiveness of wholesale distribution.
Seminar 2
  • Wholesale distribution stimulation methods;
  • Promotions and activities to stimulate wholesale distribution;
  • Case studies.
Seminar 3
  • Commodity credit policy in wholesale distribution;
  • Who can and how are to be credited;
  • The main advantages of a wholesale company.
Seminar 4
  • Functionality and motivation of wholesale managers;
  • The grading system and its applicability in wholesale;
  • KPI system for wholesale sales managers.
Seminar 5
  • Basic contracts for wholesale distribution;
  • Methods of analyzing wholesale distribution;
  • Key performance indicators of wholesale distribution.
Natalia Chinenova
Natalia Chinenova

Head consultant “Business technologies in retail”

Leading expert in Franchising and Distribution

Lead Analyst of the Centre “Management and Communication in Fashion Industry” at NRU HSE

Practitioner in setting up Retail Business from scratch, development and management of retail chains with work experience in retail over 32 years. Former CEO of SELA Corporation. In 2010 Natalia was awarded with ‘Retail manager of the year’ in All-Russian Championship ‘Golden chains 2010’ for the highest effectiveness during the economic crisis.

In-class daily sessions from 10:00 am to 11:30 am (2 academic hours).
Training takes place in an online format, in a “live broadcast” mode, Moscow time.
5 intense interactive online sessions. Each session is accompanied by handouts.
Blitz consulting sessions are carried out online, the schedules are subject to be negotiated with participants.
Attention! The training is not recorded!
Each session includes print out materials developed by author exclusively for the program.
The price of 'blitz' consulting equals 24,000 rubles (20% off) when paid simultaneously with payment for the seminar.
1 day 42 800 RUB
Blitz consulting 30 000 RUB
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